Friday, July 3, 2015

Love is like baseball

I just received another fantastic review for my newest book Base Hits and Home Run Relationships: What Women Wish Guys Knew

Here is a book review written by Melanie Valderrama who reviews a TON of books on her blog at on    To read more about her review, you can go to her site.

Love is like baseball, so hit a home run in your relationship! With Trina Boice's advice, any man can learn how to step up to the plate. Learn tips, stats, and skills to make a powerful and lasting romance whether you're in the “minor leagues” of dating or the “major leagues” of married life.

I like the idea of this book and think it's full of great advice! There are three main sections, or "innings." The first inning is "Play Ball!" where the author explains how her book is set up. She gives some advice, then turns it over to her son, Cooper, who shares his perspective on the topic being discussed and shares tips and examples to help be successful in dating and relationships (yes, he's tried and tested these ideas himself). She also shares Stats in each chapter and has assignments which are various challenges and go along with the baseball theme. Women aren't off the hook, either. She has a section for them at the end with advice, assignments and challenges as well.

The second inning is "The Minor League." Most of the chapters are in this section and some of the topics include first impressions, how to flirt, when to call a girl, courting and dating ideas (these work for relationships at every level), persistence, first kiss, defining the relationship, and finally, the proposal.

The third and final inning is "The Major League." This deals with marriage. There are topics that cover newlyweds, sex, continuing courtship in marriage, forgiveness, communication and avoiding divorce.

No matter which stage your relationship is in, there is something for everyone in this book. Dating can be scary and I liked how Trina and her son, "Coach" Cooper, break it down and explain it. The baseball theme makes this book fun to read and is something men can relate to. I enjoyed their stories, get to know you games and questions, questions to reflect on, and advice. I also thought the body language discussion was interesting.

I had to read through it quickly this time and plan to go through it again slowly. There's a lot of information and assignments so it will take quite a while to get through all of it if you're looking to improve your relationships. I also plan to share it with my son when he starts dating so he can feel more confident in the dating game. Guys (and girls), this is a book worth reading and you'll want to follow through on the assignments!

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